To the Editor:
It has become apparent that golems cannot be removed by normal animal control. This is rather important, as a golem has taken up residence in my home and begun to eat whatever it pleases. I believe that as more of these creatures are coming into the ‘real world’, that animal control ought to change their policy.
Right now, animal control’s policy is that they will remove any ‘real’ animal from anywhere. But as golems are not ‘real’, they can’t do anything about these earthen monsters that will eat anything!
My concern is, dear Editor, that with more golems coming through the binds of space, that soon we will have to do something about them. Animal control must be able to face these mythical beasts, but their current policy demands that they can’t.
You toss the letter in an envelope and quickly seal it. There were now two golems living in your house, and it was time to do something about it. If only the editor of the newspaper would agree, along with animal control.
After all, the situation was getting worse.