On the first day, God created light and dark. We mostly think about the light, but why would God create both light and dark? One reason might be that the darkness makes the light brighter. We live in a world where the night is not as dark as it once was because of technical advances such as electric lighting. But before lightbulbs, the dark was much darker. It made the day contrast much more with the night- so much so, people could set their hours by when the sun came up. There is a verse that says that Christians are the ‘light of the world.’ But we cannot- will not- be able to shine as brightly as if there was no darkness to contrast it with. We have a responsibility to shine in the darkness, as Christ has changed our inner beings. We must contrast against the world and show Christ’s love to them. I am a creature of the light, taken from the kingdom of darkness. I hope to be a light to the nations, someone who brings light to the dark. A shadow is never defined unless light is shining.
Just a little something I was thinking about.