Hello! Welcome to this secluded portion of the internet, and here are some things to help you as you explore this site.
I am a fiction writer, so don't expect nonfiction articles. Of course, they may show up, but they are not a huge factor in this blog.
Chickens may (will!) show up on a semi-regular basis. This is NOT a blog on chickens, however much it may seem like it. They just happen to be one of my favorite animals.
I would like to maintain a clean environment, and to achieve that, I would like to ask that if you comment, to read over it and think to yourself, Would I like someone to tell that to me? Is that helpful? Also, please do not dishonor the name of Christ on this site, even abbreviated. If you do so, I will take it down.
I plan on posting every Monday and Friday. Some weeks that will not work, but I will try to notify you in advance.
Silliness might be common. I apologize. I like humorous things, and those will make it onto here.
You can share. This is not a private site. Just be discerning about who you share with.